Scheduling a newborn photo session can be tricky. There are so many factors to consider, and they’re all personal. After two babies of my own with two very different birth and post part experiences I’m sharing my advice on when and how to schedule your newborn session.

Scheduling a newborn photo session

  1. The most important thing to remember is do not to stress over this! It’s just a photo at the end of the day and iPhones are great too. This is a special time you will never get back. So spend it enjoying your baby and working on your recovery. I will be there to take photos when you’re ready.
  2. Number two follows right behind number one – wait until you’re ready. It won’t be good to have a massive meltdown before or after your session so give yourself time. If you had a difficult birth or you’re feeling the baby blues, it’s ok. Keep in mind I can always just photograph baby if that’s easier too. I’ve had mom’s sit out and rest while a partner or family member assisted with baby.
  3. The typical rule of thumb you’ll hear is to try for the window of time within the first two weeks after birth to avoid baby acne kicking in and to capture that beautiful newborn baby curl. Again, it’s not the end of the world if you miss it, but if you can squeeze it in that’s great too.
  4. The house can be messy. I will work around it (see #1).

Check out my post on how to prep for your newborn photo session for tips on what to wear, where to take photos, and what to do before I arrive. Good luck! You’ve got this. If you’re looking for other cool resources while you’re waiting for baby’s arrival I absolutely love the birth hour podcast. It’s an amazing collection of birth stories. I listened everyday before my second child’s arrival and lots of the tips helped during his birth.