When I photograph babies I like to call them newborn portrait sessions, with an emphasis on portraiture. I’m an artist and I see documenting newborns as one of the most important jobs a photographer could have. These moments are fleeting and you never get them back. I know that sounds harsh, but it’s true and that’s why I don’t waste time putting babies in baskets or creating funny or over the top props and backdrops.

Over the years as my own children grow I’ve realized just how fast time moves. You don’t notice it happening in the day-to-day, but when you look back at a photo it can sometimes be shocking how much they have changed even in just a few short weeks or months. Personally, I always say I’ll never forget the little details like how soft my baby son’s hair feels right now pressed against my face. Or how tiny their little fingers and toes are. Unfortunately though time has a way of wiping the details away little by little.

I think that’s why I love photographing newborns so much. I know the power these photos will have one day to take the family back to how it FELT. So when I document babies I want to show you every tiny detail. I want to capture the way you hold them, snuggle, and change a diaper. I want to document your home, your pets, and siblings. I want to create a time-capsule for you to travel back whenever you need to. When you miss those soft, sweet baby snuggles.

If you’re thinking about scheduling a newborn portrait session make sure to check out my NEWBORN page.