Want to know the key to revealing your inner beauty in photos? And really in general…it’s overcoming self doubt!

fine art newborn photography cincinnati

Let’s be honest here- everyone has insecurites. I know this all too well, because I got started in this industry after modeling for 12 years. I learned what it’s like to be vulnerable in front of the camera, thus sparking my desire to help others overcome feelings of self doubt. It doesn’t matter who you are, we all get nervous sometimes. And the camera has a special way of creating lots of added stress, anxiety, and questions…I get such a rush empowering women to feel beautiful, and connected to themselves.

Not some supermodel retouched version of a dream, but an actual real person! My work is intimate and beauty inspired. We will focus on your connection with baby, your family, your home, and create a safe and magical space. Here are my top three tips to photo confidence. Of course we will also work together before, during and after your session too but these tips will get you started…

  1. Drop the expectations. I’m always guilty personally of setting very high expectations for myself especially when it comes to things like family photo sessions. And every mom knows, something always happens! The older your baby gets the more you will laugh when you think back on this. I can’t tell you how many sessions have started late because mom was still in a towel, stopped due to blowouts (sorry had to over-share), or maybe you are just exhausted, couldn’t find the perfect outfit, insert many other stressors we put on ourselves. At the end of the day it doesn’t matter. It’s my job to make you look great. I can work around a messy house, crying baby, bad outfit, etc but I can’t take the stress off of your face. Just let go! Trust me.
  2. Trust. You’ve spent time choosing the best photographer for you. You’ve prepped for your session. Now the hardest part can sometimes be trusting. Just like letting go, this is the next crucial step. You have to trust your photographer to let you know if you’re doing baby chin (don’t worry I’ll fill you in – it’s my #1 postpartum\preggo mom tip). You have to trust your photographer to find the good light. To tell you when you look amazing and guide you when something isn’t just right. I will help you find your best!
  3. You are not alone. I’m not exaggerating when I say that every person I have ever photographed started off by telling me they would be the most awkward person ever. Or that their kid was really wild. Or their husband hated being photographed. I’ve heard it all. You will be just fine. Your family won’t be the worst! You will be surprised how easy and natural the process actually feels and I promise your session will end with you feeling beautiful, confident, and so connected to your family.

I hope this helped shed some light on revealing your inner beauty in photos!